Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My Little Pro...

This last Saturday was Sophia's second swim lesson, it was not as exciting for her as the first lesson (read further) but she still had her smiles.

While I was stepping into the pool with her, I slipped on the stairs and we both feel in. That was the first time Sophia has been completely underneath the water. Those seconds inside the water scared me to death, luckily the teacher was close by in the water and picked me up by the arm. I was completely disoriented, all I was thinking was getting her head up and out of the water as soon as possible. As soon as we emerged, I expected Sophia to start screaming, but she handled it like a pro. She had a startled look on her face, but did not cry or scream, although she was a little bit more cautious throughout the rest of her swimming.

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